Meet FarmOp Capital

Our production-based lending approach helps farmers keep investing in their business and to explore the “what ifs” they’ve imagined as real possibilities.


The FarmOp Capital Difference

Unique Collateral

Our operating loans are based on your future crop production, enabling us to provide capital based on your proven track record, crop insurance and marketing plan.

Corn harvest

Early Funding

You can secure your loan in late summer or fall, allowing you to take advantage of cash and early order discounts. You can even have loans that overlap, so you can finish out one year and support your plans for the next.

Man holding corn

Proven Agricultural Experience

Our team includes experienced farm operators, agricultural technology leaders, and financial experts focusing on ag operating and inventory loans. We believe this mix of talent sets us apart. It helps us understand the unique challenges you face in rapidly changing markets.


We were a rapidly growing farming operation and didn’t have a big real estate base to lend against. We were outgrowing the box in which big banks look at loan relationships.

Matt Falk - Homestead Family Farms

Longer Loan Term

Longer Loan Term

Our loans follow the crop cycle, giving you a wider window to execute your crop plan and market your crop.

Increased Loan Size

Increased Loan Size

You may receive up to 100% of the capital you need, eliminating the hassle of supplementing your loan with additional sources of credit.