A thousand head. Multiple crops. And a lasting success story.


At Panka Farms, they raise 1,000 cattle and multiple crops at a time, but they couldn’t always raise funds with the support they needed to succeed.

That changed when they partnered with FarmOp two years ago.

“Bob Timm has been really good,” said Diane Panka, co-owner of Panka Farms, when speaking about their FarmOp Relationship Manager. “He answers questions right away. He makes suggestions…very friendly…discusses other financing issues, and always has good ideas.”

It’s a FarmOp Relationship Manager’s job to get to know you, your operations, and your short- and long-term goals. We don’t just provide capital and wish you luck. We’re here all year, providing unmatched support while also giving you the freedom to make your own decisions.

“One of the big things that I like is that their farm input loans don’t mature until August,” added Diane. “So, instead of selling in the fall when prices are at their lowest, we’re able to keep them in the bin until prices rise.”

In addition to our more user-friendly loans structures, FarmOp recognizes that each client we work with is unique. With that in mind, we look at your entire operation and use new technology and old-fashioned experience to identify new efficiencies and cost savings in your farm to help you grow your returns.

Diane also mentioned a list of ways she and her husband see FarmOp as an ideal lending partner:

  • FarmOp is more user-friendly

  • They look at our cash flow for the year, so funding is spread out through the year, helping make sure the money is there when needed

  • They work hard to make sure we succeed

  • We’re excited about their Ag Yield program that helps with marketing

All of us at FarmOp are proud of Panka Farms and all our other farming partners out there.

If you’re interested in learning more about how FarmOp cultivates more certainty and delivers unmatched customer service, we’d love to talk.

And if you have a FarmOp success story, we’d love to hear it.

Until next time, here’s to great weather and record yields.

To learn more about our unique approach to Ag Lending, give us a call at (833) FARMOPS (833-327-6677, or visit our homepage at www.farmop.com.

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For Media Inquiries:

Sandra Erdtmann